Selection of white color — woman can observe every time when energized, are called vaginal fat or liquid. This mucus unusual for its composition: it is composed of the cellular components, white blood cells and other micro-organisms, produced from the glands. In essence, vaginal discharge that are transparent or have no color. In another case, if you get a good mucus is the first sign of some disease. In this article, you need to understand what kind of selection are considered to be normal, and learn more about female lubrication during arousal.
When the white selection are the norm?
The liquid in the form of mucus, typical for all the girls. This is the most faithful index of a healthy body and stable, the physiological activity of the female body. Here are the main signs, when the woman of color selection, white consider normal:
- the consistency in the form of gelatin;
- a small amount;
- an unusual smell, but without putrefattivi impurities;
- inside the vagina, no irritation, and itching.
The girl after sexual intercourse stands out much more fluid. It is worth mentioning that this is the normal process, which must always be after the contact. This suggests that a woman is very excited and test emotions after the sexual experience. This process can take under the control the selection of lubrication after the sexual relationship is absolutely normal, and most importantly – value for your female health.
With regard to the number of allocations, it all depends on the time of ovulation. So, if just after menstruation, the mucus will be much less in the middle of the cycle.
The effect of a sexual act on the selection!

Selections active in arousal in women begin to appear after 7-10 seconds after the stimulus was the most sensitive an erogenous zone. Usually the male is just start with a kiss on the neck, slowly moving on the chest, and then below, to call women to have vaginal discharge. Usually, the girls so the signal serves to make it clear – the body is ready for the introduction of the penis inside. After this transparent liquid increases in quantity, and this is very good. As soon as the time comes the highest point of pleasure, i.e. orgasm, white discharge decrease. So, natural and natural lubrication is the most healthy and indicative of a symptom of this excitement the female. This substance may be a counterfeit, or cause a hoax.
If the lubrication is not enough?
A girl may feel some discomfort, the feeling of a small pop-up of natural selection, and sometimes not there at all. Dryness during sexual contact is very bad for the body of two people, as well as is actually damage the sexual organs. The lack of secretions, usually, is the cause of the following points:
- the daily intake of a woman of strong hormonal drugs;
- the constant stress, an excited state, physical, and emotional overload;
- during the contact latex condoms coated;
- severe disorders of the immune system;
- the intake of antidepressant medications;
- structure;
- infectious diseases, venereal;
- crash hormone, a strong imbalance;
- the problem with the system, the genito-urinary tract;
- the lack of excitement due to inadequate duration of the preliminary;
- problems of the circulation of the blood, circulation;
- breast-feeding;
- problems with the nervous system pathology.
Abundant secretion will be never before of sexual contact, if there is at least a sign of vaginal dryness. In this case, it is better to go to a gynecologist and not to tighten with its treatment, as well as all of this is very serious. In no case can the tutor to the treatment, consult a doctor is very important. Use lubricants, which are sold in the pharmacy, is possible only in the case of natural lubrication always stands out in small quantities, as well as the woman, in full health.

That, if lubrication during sexual intercourse?
In reality, there is nothing wrong with that. In essence, occurs only a strong sense of oppression, if the allocation of women a lot more than you must. In some cases, for this reason, the girl refuses sexual contact. Men consider excessive humidity female vagina, as an indication of promiscuity and constant change of sexual partner, which is believed to be absolutely incorrect. Every girl is special in her own way, and strong to a liquid secreted only says that libido is completely healthy. You can, of course, refer you to a doctor, but he will say the same thing: the important thing is that it does not dry, and the body and the sexual organs were fully up to standard.
Selection of start with bad smell sour
Liquid, white in color, vaginal irritation and endless itching is very bad. Despite the fact that this ugly disturbing symptom of a girl periodically, from this you must immediately get rid. Usually, this can be the thrush, the lack of adequate self-care (i.e. hygiene), the constant use of the gel for intimate hygiene with aromas, everyday situations of stress, changes in climate, the bad food habits without mode, uncomfortable underwear, constant irrigation. In all of these described moments of selection will be unpleasant to smell sour. As soon as it was noticed of this kind, it is important to immediately go to the visit to the gynaecologist, for the purchase of all effective medications.
The right to the respect for the intimate hygiene

4 rules of intimate hygiene, is very simple in application:
- The cleaning woman should be with a special tool, which includes lactic acid, which gives its effect in the normalization of acid-base balance.
- Normal soap flavored gel for the shower and the bottle for the intimate hygiene, categorically, for permanent use.
- It is very important to constantly change your panty liner, as they are made for that.
- Cleaning woman must make not less than 2 times per day, i.e. the morning and evening. So, we recommend cleaning prior to sexual intercourse.
- For as attractive as the underwear, synthetic fabric, wearing. From this it is worth giving up the benefit of his health.
- Unpleasant vaginal discharge with a fishy odor
If in the body broken, the acidity, the selection will be curd shape with the smell of fish. Similar strong smell lumps similar to ricotta and can bear witness to the absence of a healthy female of state and excess bacteria. A similar disease is called the yeast, from which you need a time to heal and not to rush.
The smell of fish – the first sign that the vagina is necessary to check at the gynecologist with clear instructions on what to do for a complete healing. During the excitement of selection may be the same as always, but the smell is completely different, specific, repulsive, and unpleasant, and on the penis when it enters will have a large amount of curd secretions.
Selection, excitement is normal. Important is that you are healthy indicator of female status. In every unpleasant feeling of better to go to a doctor, because the reproductive system – one of the most important parts that is necessary to treat in the first place, do not postpone on then.